Bend line markers on DXF flat patterns

Bend Line Markers are used to mark a bend on sheet metal. It is not necessary to engrave the Bend Lines over the entire length. This takes extra time and energy and we have to be careful with it these days. That is why the Publish Tool has a handy function built in to trim these lines. The Gap and Length for bend-up and bend-down can be set.

The settings menu can be started by clicking on the fly-out button below the Publish Tool button. 

The menu can also be started from the Publish Tool dialog under Help –> Settings.

A new button has been added in the settings menu: Trim Bend Lines On/Off.
By clicking here you can activate and deactivate the function. When activated, the screen with the settings for the bend line markers is also opened. The following settings are available:

  •  Trim offset. 
  •  Length (up). Enter 0 to use only the trim offset.
  •  Length (down). Enter 0 to use only the trim offset.
Click Apply or OK to save the settings. The settings are saved in the selected configuration. This way you can have configurations with different settings for the bend lines. I will explain more about this in the next post.

To get the bend lines in the DXF it is necessary to enable the checkbox in the Bend column. This can also be done automatically by right-clicking on a column and selecting Check Bends by Default.

If the Bends column is not visible, click Columns Visibility and activate the correct column.
